Module godotcoretypes


Color = object
  r*: float32
  g*: float32
  b*: float32
  a*: float32
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Vector3 = object
  x*: float32
  y*: float32
  z*: float32
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Vector2 = object
  x*: float32
  y*: float32
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Plane = object
  normal*: Vector3
  d*: float32
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Basis = object
  elements*: array[3, Vector3]
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Quat = object
  x*: float32
  y*: float32
  z*: float32
  w*: float32
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AABB = object
  position*: Vector3
  size*: Vector3
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Rect2 = object
  position*: Vector2
  size*: Vector2
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Transform2D = object
  elements*: array[3, Vector2]
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Transform = object
  basis*: Basis
  origin*: Vector3
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RID = object
  data: array[sizeof(int), byte]
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Error = enum
  OK, Failed,                  ## Generic fail error
  Unavailable,                ## What is requested is unsupported/unavailable
  Unconfigured,               ## The object being used hasnt been properly set up yet
  Unauthorized,               ## Missing credentials for requested resource
  ParameterRangeError,        ## Parameter given out of range (5)
  OutOfMemory,                ## Out of memory
  FileNotFound, FileBadDrive, FileBadPath, FileNoPermission, ## (10)
  FileAlreadyInUse, FileCantOpen, FileCantWrite, FileCantRead, FileUnrecognized, ## (15)
  FileCorrupt, FileMissingDependencies, FileEOF, CantOpen, ## Can't open a resource/socket/file
  CantCreate,                 ## (20)
  QueryFailed, AlreadyInUse, Locked, ## resource is locked
  Timeout, CantConnect,        ## (25)
  CantResolve, ConnectionError, CantAquireResource, CantFork, InvalidData, ## Data passed is invalid	(30)
  InvalidParameter,           ## Parameter passed is invalid
  AlreadyExists,              ## When adding, item already exists
  DoesNotExist,               ## When retrieving/erasing, it item does not exist
  DatabaseCantRead,           ## Database is full
  DatabaseCantWrite,          ## Database is full	(35)
  CompilationFailed, MethodNotFound, LinkFailed, ScriptFailed, CyclicLink, ## (40)
  InvalidDeclaration, DuplicateSymbol, PauseError, Busy, Skip, ## (45)
  Help,                       ## user requested help!!
  Bug, ## a bug in the software certainly happened, due to a double
      ## check failing or unexpected behavior.
  PrinterOnFire,              ## the parallel port printer is engulfed in flames
  WTF                         ## shit happens, has never been used, though
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