Module godotinternal


proc getMethod(className: cstring; methodName: cstring): ptr GodotMethodBind {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc ptrCall(methodBind: ptr GodotMethodBind; instance: ptr GodotObject;
            args: ptr array[MAX_ARG_COUNT, pointer]; ret: pointer) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
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proc call(methodBind: ptr GodotMethodBind; instance: ptr GodotObject;
         args: ptr array[MAX_ARG_COUNT, ptr GodotVariant]; argCount: cint;
         callError: var VariantCallError): GodotVariant {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
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proc nativeScriptRegisterClass(libHandle: pointer; name, base: cstring;
                              createFunc: GodotInstanceCreateFunc;
                              destroyFunc: GodotInstanceDestroyFunc) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
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proc nativeScriptRegisterToolClass(libHandle: pointer; name, base: cstring;
                                  createFunc: GodotInstanceCreateFunc;
                                  destroyFunc: GodotInstanceDestroyFunc) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc nativeScriptRegisterMethod(libHandle: pointer; name: cstring;
                               function_name: cstring;
                               attr: GodotMethodAttributes;
                               meth: GodotInstanceMethod) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc nativeScriptRegisterProperty(libHandle: pointer; name, path: cstring;
                                 attr: ptr GodotPropertyAttributes;
                                 setFunc: GodotPropertySetFunc;
                                 getFunc: GodotPropertyGetFunc) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc nativeScriptRegisterSignal(libHandle: pointer; name: cstring;
                               signal: GodotSignal) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc getUserdata(instance: ptr GodotObject): pointer {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc getClassConstructor(className: cstring): GodotClassConstructor {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc deinit(o: ptr GodotObject) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
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proc godotPrintError(description, function, file: cstring; line: cint) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc godotPrintWarning(description, function, file: cstring; line: cint) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc godotPrint(message: GodotString) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc getClassName(o: ptr GodotObject): string {.
raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc getGodotSingleton(name: cstring): ptr GodotObject {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
  Source Edit
proc godotAlloc(bytes: cint): pointer {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
Allocates the specified number of bytes. Using this instead of stdlib proc will help Godot track how much memory is in use in debug mode.   Source Edit
proc godotRealloc(p: pointer; bytes: cint): pointer {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
Reallocates the pointer for the specified number of bytes. Using this instead of stdlib proc will help Godot track how much memory is in use in debug mode.   Source Edit
proc godotFree(p: pointer) {.
inline, raises: [], tags: []
Frees the memory pointed to by the pointer. Using this instead of stdlib proc will help Godot track how much memory is in use in debug mode.   Source Edit